The goal of Vital Equine Bodywork is to help your horse be their absolute best. Equine Structural Integration is a hands on therapeutic modality. A series of five sessions is provided to address your horses’s fascia aka: connective tissue. Over a horse’s life fascia is affected by aging, injury and postural imbalances. The Equine Natural Movement Series sequentially unwraps the fascia by working deeper through the layers, freeing tissues that have been shortened, adhered and in turn have compromised mobility. The result of the series is that your horse experiences decreased tension and pain and improved range of motion, balance and strength. Your horse becomes more supple in their body and calmer in their mind as overall wellbeing is improved. Your horse’s natural rhythm and balance are restored. It is not unusual to see immediate improvements in movement and performance. You will likely continue to see improvements in the months following the completion of the series. Structural Integration is different than massage in that it re-aligns the horse and has lasting affects.